Geospatial data processing SICH-2
and demo tasks


Sich-2the Operator of the system GP "Dneprocosmos" to as primary data "Sich-2", and so data from the geometric and радиометричесской correction.
Space Research Institute of NASU-NSAU provides services to thematic processing of data "Sich-2" in the field of agriculture, environmental monitoring and emergency situations. Examples of use of data of the "Sich-2" for the solution of the tasks listed in the "Examples of usage"

the Creation and support of geoportal "Sich-2" provides Space Research Institute of NASU-NSAU.

Advantages of geoportal

  • The ability to use geoportal by different system users both as ministerial and private level;
  • The ability to work in concrete time interval;
  • Flexible configuration of dynamic layers and products based on existing geospatial information;
  • Usefull Web-interface and visualization tools.